Sometimes, things that people view as trash are actually useful resources that have simply been misplaced when you look from another point of view.
The 2022 Spring/Summer collections are inspired by the "Recycling and Sorting of Trash" that have been implemented in Taiwan for many years. The theme "Re-Cycle-Me" allows us to learn more about the trash sorting policies actively promoted by different cities. By sorting trash, we can not only protect the environment but also create different ways to use resources, which can in turn help people who work to gain benefits from recycling. We often see, out on the streets on a daily basis, the presence of the so-called "recycling grandmas". They work hard to push recycling carts, which are piled high with items, as if deliberately arranged to create an aesthetic effect; their hunched-over and petite bodies are a contrast to the carts being pushed through the streets, lanes, and alleys of Taiwan. They are the creators who combine reality and wisdom in their daily lives.
A closer look was taken at the leftover fabric and out-of-season waste fabric in the corners of workshops, strewn there during fits of busy work. The idea of "recycling and reuse" began to unfold. ANGUS CHIANG created new designs with the leftover fabric from past seasons and endeavored to reduce waste and lower the burden on the environment. We gave the discarded and forgotten fabric a chance to live out their lives.
SS22's design ideas not only added details such as fabric that looks like the materials, images, and slogans of trash bags, but also infused the shapes and colors of trash collectors. Blue, yellow, green, brown, and fluorescent orange are the main colors of this season with a touch of magenta. The series design is also inspired by the shape, folds and volume of garbage bags, which are the essential elements of the designs. The design of pockets is also infused with shape of the handle of garbage bags, manifesting them on the clothing. For the design of prints, apart from commonly seen garbage sorting icons, fish bones, bones, and apple cores were also used as prints. Some prints are an extension of the inspirations derived from the openings of a variety of trash bins.